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Self Portrait - 1794
oil on canvas, 25-1/2 x 20 in
Painted in Vienna

The Bather - 1792
oil on canvas, 73 x 55.5 cm.
Private collection
Formerly Youssoupoff Collection, St. Petersburg
Julie Le Brun (1780 - 1819) as a Bather. "I painted a bather using my daughter as model and sold the painting immediately to Prince Yusoupoff"- Vigée Le Brun . This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.

Queen Louise Augusta of Prussia - 1802
Oil on Canvas, 90 x 85 cm
Collection of HRH Georg Friedrich Ferdinand von Hohenzollern, Prince of Prussia.
Queen Louise Augusta Wilhelmine Amalie von Mecklenburg Strelitz, Queen of Prussia. Completed in Paris after a study Vée Le Brun made in Berlin after leaving Russia.(Art Page 43).
"1 Portrait of the Queen of Prussia, painted after a study I had made in Berlin. Large half-length." Visit the Queen Louise of Prussia page.This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition.

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