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Mme Natalia Nakhorovna Kolytechova - 1799
oil on canvas, 30-3/4 x 26 in
Private collection, U.S.A.
View a large image of the portrait.

Vigee Le Brun only listed one portrait of this sitter, and yet we have this painting and another (Art Page 77).

Giovanni Paisiello - 1791
oil on canvas
Museo Teatrale alla Scala, Milano, Italy
This is a copy of the original at Versailles (Art Page 44). Giovanni Paisello was a popular composer of the 1790's. Vigee Le Brun attended the premiere of his new opera "Nina o la pazza d'amore" at the San Carlo Opera House in Naples in 1791. He is pictured here with the score of his opera on the clavicord.
Yolande Gabrielle Martine, Duchess of Polignac - 1787
oil on canvas, 36 x 29 in
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut
Mme. de Polignac (1749-1793), the wife of the influential Armand Jules Francois Duke de Polignac (1745-1817), was the intimate friend of Marie Antoinette and had charge of the royal children. She was notorious for her extravagance, and was the mistress of the Comte de Vaudreuil. After the fall of the Bastille she was persuaded by Marie Antoinette to flee the country, and died in Vienna, Dec 5, 1793, at the age of 44. Her son, the Prince de Polignac, was later French Ambassador at St. James's. View a color version of this painting as it appeared on a magazine cover. View a press article on the painting.

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