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Grand Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna - 1798
Oil on canvas, 80x65.5 cm
Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia
Previously from the Romanov Gallery, Winter Palace. 1918
Grand Duchess Elisaveta Alexeevna, later Empress of Russia, consort of Alexander I. Pavlovitch. The original is in the Collection of the Princess of Hesse Darmstadt (Art Page 135) Another copy is in the Musée Fabre, Montpellier (Art Page 44). View another image of this painting.

Susanne Vigée - 1785
oil on canvas, 22 x 18 inches
The artists's sister-in-law, Susanne Marie Francoise de Rivière.
Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 18 for more details.

Princess Karoline, Princess de Lichtenstein - 1793
Oil on Canvas, 65.4 x 53.6 cm
New York, private collection
Princess Karoline Felicitas Engelberte, Princess de Lichtenstein, née Countess von Manderscheidt-Blankenheim. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition. View the framed portrait. View another portrait of Princess Karoline on Art Page 169

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