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My Head - 1778
Oil on canvas
This is a possible self portrait. There is an entry in her painting list in 1778 of a self portrait of her head.
Duchesse de Guiche - 1784
Pastel on paper mounted on canvas
Oval, 31 5/8 x 25 1/2 in (80.5 x 64 cm)
Private collection
Louise Francoise Gabrielle Aglaé, de Polignac (1768-1803), the daughter of the Comte and Comtesse Jules de Polignac. Married Antoine Louis marie de Gramont, duc de Guiche. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition. Vigée Le Brun painted her daughters, Lady Ossulston (Art Page 186 From the collection of the Comte de Vaudreuil) and Aglaé Angélique Gabrielle de Gramont (Art Page 165).

Isabella Teotochi Marini - 1792
Oil on paper, mounted on Canvas
(19" x 13-7/8")
Toledo (Ohio) Museum of Art
Isabella Teotochi Marini, later Comtesse Albrizzi. This portrait was displayed in the 2015 Paris Exhibition. View a detail of this portrait.
Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 37 for more details.

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