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Marie Louise Adelaide de Bourbon - 1789
Oil on Canvas, 99 x 83 cm (38.9 x 32.6 cm)
Located at Versailles (acquired in 1836). Currently on loan to the Museum of Fine Arts Marseille (since 1949). Louise Marie Adélaide de Penthiévre, The Duchesse d'Orléans (1753-1821). This is a copy by Vigée Le Brun. The original is located on Art Page 178
Victorienne Delphine Natalie de Rochechouart Mortemart, Marquise de
Rouge - 1788
oval, oil on canvas, 32 x 25.5 in. (81.4 x 64.8 cm) Portrait of Victorienne Delphine Natalie de Rochechouart Mortemart, Marquise de Rouge, half-length, in riding habit. Identifying inscription "victorienne delphine natalie de Rochechouart Mortemart. M.qui de Rouge. peint en 1788." (on the reverse of the relining canvas). Sold at Christie's, London, 2 December 2008, Sale 5433, Lot 144 ($15,810). View a larger version of this image.
Princess Isabelle Lubomirska, nee Czartoryska - 1799
oil on canvas, 40-3/4 x 31-1/2, 104.6 x 81 cm
This painting was sold at Christies on 15 December 1978.View the framed painting. View another version of this painting by Slendzinski at Castle Lancut, Poland.
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