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Marianna Potocka - 1795
oil on canvas
110 x 148 cm
Private collection in Buenos Aires
Marianna Potocka, nee Princess Lubomirska, later Countess Zubova then Madame Uvarova.In Russia, she took the name Maria Fedorovna, and is buried under that name. Lived 1773-1810.She first married Protazy Antoni Potocki (?-1801); despite the title that VLB gave her, he was not a count, though several branches of the family used that title without having legal right to it. They later divorced and she married Count Valerian Aleksandrovich Zubov (1771-1804). Her third husband, Fedor Petrovich Uvarov (1769-1824), was not a count. Lived 1773-1810. "This Countess (1773-1810) is one of the prettiest women I have ever painted" - Vigée Le Brun.
Mlle de Castellane - ?
oil on canvas
Musée Fragonard, Grasse
Countess de Bossancourt - 1830
oil on wood, 73 x 59.5 in
Comtesse Josèphine Mathilde Bernard de Baussencourt née de Sassenay. Born in 1811. Signed and dated L.E VIGEE LEBRUN 1830
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Troyes

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