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Count Dietrichstein - 1801
Oil on Canvas Private Collection Count Franz Seraph Joseph von Dietrichstein-Nikolsburg (1767-1854). This portrait was part of an exhibition at the Pushkin Museum, Moscow. Angela Demutskiy provided this new portrait and sitter identification. The portrait format is very similar to the portrait of Prince Sergey Sergeevich Gagarine below. |
Prince Nikolai Sergeyevich Gagarin - 1801
oil on canvas, Private Collection Director ofthe Imperial Theaters Prince Nikolai Sergeyevich Gagarin (1784-1842). Eldest son of Prince Sergei Sergeyevich Gargagin (1745-98) and Princess Varvara Nikolaevna Gagarina, née Princess Galitzyna (1762-1802). Married to Countess Maria Alekseevna Bobrinkaya, granddaughter of Catherine II and Prince Gregory Orlov (1798-1835) in 1816. Murdered by his forest warden from the Rejnmana estate. "This portrait of Sergei Sergeevich Gagarin was part of the collection of Moscow collector F.Vishnevsky in the 1970s. It is now in a private collection in Moscow. I have seen it twice during last 5-7 years." - Elena Sharnova,
Former Curator of French Paintings in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow. View other portraits of the Gagarin Family Tree.
Mme de Virieu - 1785
oil on canvas
Mme de Virieu, nee Digeon, was a Protestant orphan, who married Francois
Henri, comte de Virieu. Art Page 81 shows a
1779 portrait of a different Mme de Virieu. She was probably the mother-in-law
of this sitter.